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friends on the hill

founded in 2024, we have come together as parents to design better quality after-school activities for our children. please join us. we're opening the doors on 9th september 2024.

join the club

sign up your child

Friends Hanging Out

our story

where do we begin.

after the surprising news on the closure of “Nanny Barbs”, we have come together as a group of parents from julian's primary school streatham site to continue the after-school club at St. Peter’s Church.


the idea is simple: we want our children to be happy and well looked after in the venue that they know and love. and of course be with their friends.


and just like that ‘friends on the hill’ was born. an after-school activity club managed by parents for parents, run by passionate childcare professionals. over time, we have the ambition to become ofsted registered, too.


if you would like to learn more or come and meet us, we host an open afternoon every first thursday of the month. 


thank you, 

friends on the hill


Ellen | Steph | Hannah | Ros | Kate | Mario | Annika


what we offer

how it works + schedule

our childcare professionals pick up the children at julian's primary school (streatham site) and walk to st peter's church. in time, the children will be offered a meal and a selection of healthy snacks. each week or arts + crafts activity club has a theme and the kids will enhance their skills by working on small and bigger projects independently and with their friends. there is also plenty of opportunity for free play. pick up time is 6pm. the club is open monday through to thursday.


from 3:00 – children collected by friends on the hill staff

3.30 – 4.00 - free play

4:00- 4:30 - planned arts and craft activity for all children

4:30 – children in after school clubs collected by friends on the hill staff

4.30 - 5:00 - snack time

5:00 - 5:30 - planned arts and craft activity for all children

5.30 – 6:00 - tidy up time and collection


we offer bespoke skill building crafts

we offer delicious food and snack

there is free play time every day

our staff care for our children

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